The schoolyear of 2020-2021 has FINALLY come to an end. We are thankful for all our cadets that were involved in our program, and we cannot thank you enough for being here.
It's going to be hard not seeing you all nearly every day, but we'll meet again next year and we'll have new memories to make with new cadets as well!
To finish the year off with a bang, our JROTC program decided to do some grilling!

Our beloved Colonel Lynn (in shorts might I add) was manning the grill along with a few of our cadets.
Our servers (1SGT Casey, CPT Kuykendall, CPT Mulneix, CPT McCaskill, MAJ Wachtel, CSM Altum, and CPT Whitney) did an amazing job keeping things organized and sanitized.
As the food was being prepared, cadets got to have a blast with their friends and family!
Note from writer:
This will probably go in the books as the most chaotic year of all time. With the masks, sanitizing, and social distancing, but we made it work. Even though everything seemed to be caving in around us, you all still managed to smile, laugh, and enjoy yourselves in our program. We, as a battalion, pulled together to make this year amazing in my eyes, and I thank each and every one of you for that. I think everyone can agree when I say JROTC has been the highlight of this year and that it helped a lot of us out of tough spaces.
I really can't just drag this on all day, so in conclusion I just want to say that I truly love our battalion and everyone in it, and I really hope I get to see you all next year :)
This is your S5 ,Shasta Johnson, signing off until next year.
-Shasta :)
Or is she?
Have a happy summer!